iNetFormFiller fills forms in one click. By creating and tuning profiles, specify how the program uses data to complete the forms, even on web pages you?ve never visited before. Moreover, you can batch-process target forms. Click one button and be free as the software does form-filling automatically! The only package software that batch-submits data to web forms. Don?t waste on copy-and-paste
Publisher description
iNetFormFiller is a unique product that will help you autofill any form in one click. It saves time you?d normally waste on manual form filling. With iNetFormFiller the costs of your multiple form filling will be reduced to the minimum! And all of these benefits thanks to the unique feature of iNetFormFiller ? batch-mode form filling! - Save time ? Don?t waste time on manual form filling. iNetFormFiller will do the job for you. - Increase convenience ? using the system of smart field recognition the program serves as the perfect password manager. iNetFormFiller, an ideal solution for people working with web forms every day. iNetFormFiller operation revolves around data profiles. Tune profiles to specify how the program will use your data to complete forms, even on web pages you?ve never visited before. If the preset fields are not enough, you can add your own controls or even combines those already in existence. When loading web pages, iNetFormFiller analyzes them and, thanks to the feature of smart field recognition and autofill, completes the forms using relevant data from profiles (for example, it may prove useful to create multiple profiles if you work with several languages). The software provides accounts - you can pass-protect profiles for different users (password generator is an important bonus here). Beside that, you can save several configuration cards for the same form and select the relevant one when completing the form. Still, you can select one of the saved form as the default configuration and it will complete the form automatically. That means, if you fill the same form for the second time, it will automatically select the card you used last time. For example, if you have two different email accounts, iNetFormFiller will easily recognize which one is relevant for the current form and... you're only one click away form your mailbox.
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